Level 1 Jinja2 on command line ================================================================================ `moban` reads data in yaml format, renders a template file in jinja2 format and outputs it to `moban.output`. By default, it looks for `data.yml` as its data file Evaluation -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Please clone the moban project and install moban: $ git clone https://github.com/chfw/moban.git $ cd moban $ python setup.py install Then go to `docs/level-1-jinja2-cli`. here are different commands to evaluate it: .. code-block:: bash moban -c data.yml -t a.template 'moban.output' is the generated file. .. code-block:: bash moban -c data.yml -t a.template -o my.output `-o my.output` will override the default name .. note:: You may simply type the short form: .. code-block:: bash moban -t a.template because moban looks for `data.yml` by default