Development guide

Jinja2 extensions for Moban

Since version 0.2, mobanfile supports an extra field plugin_dir, along with template_dir. When you put your own jinja2 filters, tests and globals in your moban repo, you can let moban know about them via this keyword.

Importantly, you have to have file in your plugin_dir. Otherwise, your plugins will NOT be loaded.

Jinja2 Filter

from moban.plugins.jinja2.extensions import JinjaFilter

def repr(string):
    if isinstance(string, list):
        return ["'{0}'".format(str(element)) for element in string]
        return "'{0}'".format(str(string))


It breaks down the given string into a fixed length paragraph. Here is the syntax:

{% for line in your_string | split_length(your_line_with) %}
{% endfor %}

It is used to keep changelog formatted in CHANGELOG.rst.jj2 in pypi-mobans project


It expands simple hashtags into github issues. Here is the syntax:

{{ your_github_string | github_expand }}

It makes it easy to mention github reference in change log in all projects. Here is the place it is applied: CHANGELOG.rst.jj2 in pypi-mobans project

Here is Grammar in the changelog.yml:

=============== ==============================
Syntax          Meaning
=============== ==============================
`#1`            moban issues 1
`PR#1`          moban pull request 1
`pyexcel#1`     other project issues 1
`pyexcel#PR#1`  other project pulll request 1
=============== ==============================

More details can be found in moban’s changelog.yml


Returns a single quoted string in the templated file

Built-in Tests


Test if a file exists or not

Jinja2 Globals

It is possible to write an installable package including your own jinja2 filters, tests and globals. Please email me for more details.

Template engine extension for Moban

moban version 0.2 started using lml to employ loose couple plugins. Other template engines, such as marko, haml can be plugged into moban seamless.


In order plugin other template engines, it is to write a lml plugin. The following is an example starting point for any template engine.

    constants.TEMPLATE_ENGINE_EXTENSION, tags=["file", "extensions", "for", "your", "template"]
class Engine(object):
    def __init__(self, template_fs, options=None):
        an instance of fs.multifs.MultiFS will be given.

        :param fs.multifs.MultiFS template_fs: a MultiFS instance or a FS instance
        :param dict options: a dictionary containing environmental parameters

    def get_template(self, template_file):
        Given a relative path to your template file, please return a templatable thing that does
        the templating function in next function below

    def get_template_from_string(self, string):
        Sometimes, user would pass on command line string as template

    def apply_template(self, template, data, output):
         Given the template object from `get_template` function, and data as python dictionary,
         and output as intended output file, please return "utf-8" encoded string.

After you will have finished the engine plugin, you can either place it in plugin_dir in order to get it loaded, or make an installable python package. In the latter case, please refer to yehua: doing that in less than 5 minutes.

When the template engine failed to obtain the template, i.e. UnicodeEncodingError, TemplateSyntaxError, your engine extension shall raise moban.exceptions.PassOn exception, and moban would replace your template engine with default engine.

Custom content processors for Moban

Since version 0.7.7, it became easy to write a content processor for moban. What you need is a content processing function, which will be fed the content of template_file and which is expected to return a string. And decorate your function with ContentProcessor:

@ContentProcessor('strip', 'Stripping', 'Stripped'):
def strip(template_file: str) -> str:
    ret = template_file.strip()
    return ret

Here is how copy template type is coded:

from moban.core.content_processor import ContentProcessor

@ContentProcessor("copy", "Copying", "Copied")
def copy(content: str, _: dict) -> str:
    Does no templating, works like 'copy'.

    Respects templating directories, for example: naughty.template
    could exist in any of template directires: dir1,
    dir2, dir3, and this engine will find it for you.  With conventional
    copy command, the source file path must be known.

    And this engine does not really touch the dest file but only read
    the source file. Everything else is taken care of by moban
    templating mechanism.
    return content